Beach Villas Japan
Japan, a land where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with cutting-edge technology, offers a captivating mix of old and new. Discover vibrant cities like Tokyo filled with neon lights and historic temples, or immerse yourself in serene landscapes of cherry blossoms and majestic mountains. From sushi to sumo wrestling, Japan's rich culture, delicious cuisine, and welcoming people make it a must-visit destination in Asia.Shirahama Beach/No sharing/6 bedrooms
A house called White Beach House in Shirahama, Wakayama where you can have a party with your friends or family. The view from the house is absolutely beautiful. You can see the Shirarahama Beach from the window. The access from Osaka to Shirahama is good actually. There's a direct bus from Osaka to Shirahama and you can get to the house easily.
Private beach retreat Resort villa iki by ritomaru
「 Private beach retreat Resort villa iki by ritomaru 」 風光明媚な玄界灘の半島に佇み、絶景のプライベートビーチを目前に眺める壱岐対馬国定公園内に開業した、長崎県初のラグジュアリープライベートビーチリゾート。手つかずの自然と調和し、メインルームと離れのゲストルームからは、四季折々の景色を一望できます。オーシャンビューダイニングでは壱岐産の個性豊かな食材を“ご自身で調達し作って食べる”を楽しむキュイジーヌ体験と地元の食材を知り尽くしたシェフによるケータリングサービスもお楽しみいただけます。(要事前予約) ドリンク類は壱岐島を中心とし、日本や世界の離島から取り寄せたワイン、ビール、ウイスキーなどを取り揃えたフリーフローカウンターバー、五感を研ぎ澄ます癒しのジャグジーバスとサウナ。「離泊|りとまる」 として初の試みとなり、ゲストの皆様には離島でしか味わうことのできないこだわった体験を提供いたします。 ベッドルーム3室、バスルーム2室、ベッドリネン、タオル、薄型テレビ、ダイニングエリア、設備の整ったキッチン、海の景色を望むテラスが備わるヴィラです。 壱岐市にある Private beach retreat Resort villa iki by ritomaru は、庭、共用ラウンジ、専用ビーチエリアを提供しています。 筒城浜から徒歩数分の場所にあるエアコン付きの宿泊施設で、無料WiFiと敷地内の専用駐車場を提供しています。 Private beach retreat Resort villa iki by ritomaru から最寄りの空港(壱岐空港)まで2kmで、無料空港シャトルサービスを利用できます。 この宿泊施設に滞在中は、サウナやホットタブなどのスパ&ウェルネス施設を利用できます。 Private beach retreat Resort villa iki by ritomaru では自転車のレンタルサービスの手配が可能で、周辺エリアではフィッシングを楽しめます。 Private beach retreat Resort villa iki by ritomaru はコンチネンタルまたはアジア料理の朝食を提供しています。(要事前予約)
**旅馆业许可证获得! 步行到美丽的宫城海岸只需要2分钟,冲浪玩水,欣赏夕阳,非常方便! 驾车至旅游热点美国村仅需5分钟! 全新2层独栋别墅,舒适高级感,可免费停车3台,4间卧室,最多入住12人。卫生间2间,浴室2间,非常适合家庭旅行和朋友相约旅行。 宽阔的厨房和客厅,料理工具和餐具一应俱全,可拓展大餐桌,您可以和家人朋友一起大展厨艺,共享美食时光! 附近超市及药妆店步行约8分钟,采购非常方便! 这里会成为您度假旅游的舒适方便的完美选择! **入住时,您需要出示您的护照资料。 **可对应提供中文、日文、英文服务。 **本住宅全屋禁烟。 **本住宅禁止带宠物。 【1F】 #寝室#3间(设计合理,省去您搬运大行李上下楼的麻烦) 寝室1 · 双人床 · 折叠单人沙发床 · 空调 寝室2 · 双人床 · 空调 寝室3 · 单人床*2 · 空调 #卫生间1# 冲洗智能马桶 #浴室1#(干湿分区) · 浴缸、淋浴(带衣物烘干) · 洗衣机 · 洗漱台 【2F】 #寝室4# · 单人床 · 折叠双人沙发床 · 空调 #客厅# 多人沙发、电视、空调、餐桌、免费家庭网络 #洗手间2# 冲洗智能马桶 #浴室2# 淋浴 #厨房# 燃气炉台、冰箱、微波炉、烧水杯等,满足您所有需求! *家电配置* --家庭网络WIFI、电视(可YOUTOBE) --冰箱、微波炉 --烧水壶 --电饭锅 --吸尘器 --洗衣机 --熨衣板、熨斗 --吹风机 --浴室自带烘干 *厨房配置* --燃气炉 --刀具、砧板 --汤锅、平底锅、雪平锅 --筷子、刀叉、碗、盘子 --汤勺、锅铲、削皮刀、剪刀 --保鲜膜、密实袋 --玻璃杯、红酒杯、马克杯、一次性纸杯 --儿童餐具 --红酒开瓶器、开瓶器 --洗手液,洗碗精 *生活其他* --纸巾、卫生间卫生纸 --洗发护发套装、宝宝洗发护发、沐浴露、洗手液 --宝宝餐椅 --毛巾、浴巾 --衣架、拖鞋 --创可贴、棉签 --洗衣液、柔顺剂 --钟表 --分类垃圾桶 **密码锁(屋主提供密码后,自助入住)。 **全屋全面消毒清洁,请安心入住。 **屋内所有物品,免费使用。 **另外可提供包车、包船海钓、潜水服务。 *美国村 *宫城海岸 *砂边马场公园 *安良波海滩 *3A超市、松本清药妆 *丰田U-CAR租车公司 *那霸空港,自驾约40分钟 *美ら海水族馆,自驾约1小时20分钟 *万座毛,自驾约40分钟 *ブセナ海中公园,自驾约45分钟 *奥特莱斯,自驾约45分钟。
ocean view inn
オープンエアで大自然を感じるナチュラルリゾートスタイル 室内から眺める自然の美しさ、白と天然木を基調としたシンプル&ナチュラルなお部屋をご用意いたしました。 一戸建て1階部分の貸し切り 目の前の海を望めるオーシャンビュー、周りの亜熱帯林に囲まれたガーデンビューのお部屋です。 テラスからビーチまで徒歩30秒という好立地。極上の島時間をお過ごしください 。こちらの落ち着いた宿泊先で、ご家族一緒におくつろぎください。 目の前には手付かずのプライベートビーチ 周りを亜熱帯林が包み込み 澄んでいる空気が美味しい 夜空はキラキラと光る星々が見える神聖な土地 ここにいるだけで大切な何かを思い出させてくれるような 心地よいひとときを過ごすことができます。 那覇空港よりお車にて約1時間半。 2階には、ヨガとマッサージルーム、ナチュラルオーガニックショップがございます。 徒歩5分のところには大浦共同売店、わんさか大浦パーク直売所があります。
Izu, Enjoy BBQ with your family in a chill place!
"Chillout House Ōmuroyama" is an entire unmanned lodging facility that is so captivating that one night might not be enough! 😊 Attraction 1: "Pet-Friendly Facility" Bring along your precious furry family members! We provide pet toilets, sheets, walking bags, and a dedicated trash bin. Enjoy your stay without the hassle of extra pet-related items. Attraction 2: "Spacious Wood Deck BBQ Area" We've renovated the BBQ area, equipped with a beer server, outdoor tableware, and a variety of condiments (see below). Have a delightful BBQ experience with friends and family. Attraction 3: "Powerful large screen" The living room features a large screen projector and an Anker portable projector for entertaining moments with your loved ones. Nearby, you'll find golf courses and tourist attractions! Extended stays are recommended. Surround yourself with the greenery of nature and create unforgettable memories. 【Facility Amenities】 1️⃣Outdoor: Dutch oven, BBQ tool set, BBQ skewers, cooler box, fire gloves, outdoor dishes (various sizes), lantern, outdoor bench, outdoor table, parasol, parasol cover, outdoor slippers, waterproof heater, hammock, stacking chair, gas BBQ grill. 2️⃣Kitchenware: Salad plates, knives, beer server, beer glasses, mugs (large and small), muddlers, strainers, measuring cups, measuring spoons, cutting boards, fly turner, children's cutlery set, wine glasses, peelers, kitchen scissors, slicer, chopsticks, spatulas, rice paddle, mugs, coffee cups, bowls, deep plates (large), various dishes, wine glasses, pots, deep frying pan, frying pan, large bowl, tongs (large and small), silver tray, iron skewer, ladle (large and small), ladle (for pasta), spatula. 3️⃣Kitchen Appliances: Rice cooker, refrigerator, microwave, toaster, coffee maker, electric kettle, hot plate. Condiments and Kitchen Amenities: Salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar, mirin (sweet rice wine), cooking sake, oil, green tea, coffee beans, sweets. 4️⃣Living Room: Projector, screen, HDMI cable, dining table, sofa, baby chair. 5️⃣Bath Amenities and Others: Shampoo, conditioner, body soap, body sponge, toothbrush, dryer, cotton set, facial cleanser, makeup remover, lotion, milk lotion, hand soap, bath towel, disposable face towel, washing machine, laundry detergent, fabric softener. 6️⃣Pet Supplies: Pet trash bin, water bowl, pet toilet, pet sheets, pet wet wipes, cleaning spray, deodorant spray. 7️⃣Others: Children's auxiliary toilet seat, first aid kit, iron, ironing board, thermometer, alcohol disinfectant. Parking: Accommodates 2 small cars and 1 medium to large-sized car.
Grandioso Okinawa Pool Villa ONNA 4B/ArtWall
100square metre spacious space, with 4 private bedrooms, even with friends or family groups, you still can have your own private in bedroom. The house can contain maximum to 13 ppl. You can have the best time with your friends and family! We look forward to your stay! [1F] Living Room (1 double sofa bed) Kitchen/Dining Space Bathroom Toilet Washstand Washing machine Clothes Dryer Private pool (back yard) Depth: 110 cm [2F] Bedroom 1: Double size bed x 2 Bedroom 2: Double size bed x 2 Bedroom 3: Double size bed x 3 Toilet x1 Shower room x 1 Washstand x 1 [For Baby] Baby bed, baby pillow, quilt, mattress, baby dining chair, baby bathtub, baby soap [Kitchen] Cooking utensils, dishes, mugs, glass, dishwasher, microwave ,ovens, rice cooker, refrigerator, electronic kettle, etc. [Amenities] Face/Bath towels/Toothbrushes: Prepared as the number of people from reservation. Shampoo/Conditioners/Bath gel Hair dryer/Washing machine/Washing detergent Iron/Iron board Free WIFI [Parking] Free for 2 cars.
Izu伊豆の宿 静海 駅&海近い BBQ専用エリア 駐車場あり 4名〜16名 伊豆観光 海遊び
Izu伊豆の宿 静海 駅&海近い BBQ専用エリア 駐車場あり 4名〜16名 伊豆観光 海遊び Unwind while staying right in the Atami city center during your stay at Izu伊豆の宿 静海 駅&海近い BBQ専用エリア 駐車場あり 4名〜16名 伊豆観光 海遊び . The range of services provided by Izu伊豆の宿 静海 駅&海近い BBQ専用エリア 駐車場あり 4名〜16名 伊豆観光 海遊び ensures all travelers get the most out of their stay. Post your pictures and answer your emails whenever you want, with the home's free Wi-Fi internet access. Parking is available and free, provided by the home for guests with their own transportation. The home's on-site laundromat helps you keep your favorite travel outfits clean so you can pack less. The home is entirely non-smoking, ensuring a clean air environment. Smoking is restricted to the designated smoking areas. Guestrooms at Izu伊豆の宿 静海 駅&海近い BBQ専用エリア 駐車場あり 4名〜16名 伊豆観光 海遊び are fitted with all the amenities travelers need. The home provides linen service, blackout curtains and air conditioning in some rooms for the benefit of guests. Keep your entertainment options wide, even in your room, with a range of facilities, including television available in select rooms. The home also provides guests with a refrigerator in some rooms. Knowing that bathroom amenities play an important role in increasing guests' satisfaction, the home provides a hair dryer, toiletries and towels in some select rooms. Dining and things to do If you're truly selective about eating, you'll be grateful for the in-house BBQ facilities available here. Izu伊豆の宿 静海 駅&海近い BBQ専用エリア 駐車場あり 4名〜16名 伊豆観光 海遊び promises you a fun-packed holiday with a variety of activities and facilities. Pamper and indulge yourself with a visit to the hot tub. Around the property Take some time to explore Atami. The most well-known nearby local attraction is Jogasaki Coast which is located just about 13.7 km away. Reasons to stay here This home scored better than most with an overall rating higher than 99% of accommodations in the city. This home scores higher than 99% of the city's accommodations on value for money Past guests rate facilities here higher than 99% of the city's accommodation.
Four RM-MAX11 Palace Resort Ocean View 2Park TLA
Miyagi Coast, a famous area in Okinawa. It is a popular spot with many restaurants. It is also an area full of exoticism, with cafes, restaurants, bars, and diving shops. A place crowded with locals, US military personnel, and tourists in the morning and daytime. It is also famous for the point where you can see the sunset in the evening. You can't see the ocean very much at night, you can hear the breaking sounds of the waves, and it's good for various people to walk along the sandy breakwater With 4 bedrooms in total this condominium can accommodate up to 11 people. Since the total number of beds is 6 and up to 11people can be accommodated it is perfect for large families or traveling groups of friends. There are 4 bedrooms in total. We put large double beds and single size bed in bedrooms of 4 rooms. ・2 rooms with 2 double beds ・1 room with single size bed ・1 room with 1 double bed ・ *Only your group will stay, no other guests. Convenient for group travel separate toilet is installed Toilets are available on 1st floor. Traveling groups and families should not worry. Parking lot Available ※Up to 2 cars per building (free),free wi-fi English, Japanese, are supported. Check in time 15: 00 ~ Check out time: 10: 00
KODATEL コダテル函館シーサイド2
海から昇る朝日に包まれる津軽海峡を一望できる一軒家で非日常な体験を。 歴史情緒に溢れ、自然や食の魅力が満載の函館の西部地区に位置する 目の前に海(津軽海峡)に広がる2階建ての一戸建で、 リモートワークや家族旅行の滞在先としても最適です。 2階にあるすべてのベッドルームから見ることのできる津軽海峡、 そして天気の良い日には対岸に青森も見ることができます 2020年フルリノベーション済 4LDK 函館市電 魚市場駅 徒歩10分 ベイエリア 徒歩12分 車 函館駅からは徒歩15分 車で5分 函館山ロープウェイ山麓駅 - 徒歩15分 車5分 近くにはおしゃれなカフェ・寿司屋・居酒屋 スーパー・コンビニ・ドラックストがあり 高速wifi完備 お部屋は最大9名の宿泊可能 ◉近くのコンビニ、スーパー ・LAWSON 徒歩2分 ・スーパー魚長 徒歩6分 ・ドラックストア 徒歩8分 ◉近くのレストラン ・BAR BAMBOO 徒歩3分 ・大門横町 徒歩12分 【空港から駅までの時間】 函館空港 - タクシー 18分 ; バス 20分 アーリーチェックイン、レイトチェックアウト対応可能な場合もありますのでご相談ください!
COVO ushimado
COVO ushimado Take advantage of a wealth of unrivaled services and amenities at COVO ushimado . Stay connected throughout your stay with free internet access provided. Parking is provided free of charge for guests. Guestrooms are fitted with all the amenities you need for a good night's sleep. To enhance your stay, some rooms at the private villa come with air conditioning. You may be assured to know that instant coffee is available in some select rooms. You can stay fresh and clean with a hair dryer, toiletries and towels provided in some of the guest bathrooms.
えん吉野 絶景広がる古民家 貸切 大型犬OK
えん吉野 絶景広がる古民家 貸切 大型犬OK Travelers are guaranteed to have a hassle-free stay with all the amenities and services provided by えん吉野 絶景広がる古民家 貸切 大型犬OK . Smoking is restricted to the designated smoking areas. Experience high-quality room facilities during your stay at えん吉野 絶景広がる古民家 貸切 大型犬OK . The home provides air conditioning in some rooms for the benefit of guests. Some selected rooms have television and cable TV to keep guests entertained. The home also provides guests with instant coffee and instant tea in some rooms. You can stay fresh and clean with a hair dryer, toiletries and towels provided in some of the guest bathrooms.
KODATEL コダテル 函館シーサイド
目の前が海の2階建ての一戸建です 2020年フルリノベーション済 4LDK 魚市場駅 徒歩10分 ベイエリア 徒歩15分 近くにはおしゃれなカフェ・寿司屋・居酒屋 スーパー・コンビニ・ドラックストアがあります wifi完備 お部屋は最大9名の宿泊可能 函館駅からは徒歩15分 車で5分 魚市場駅より徒歩10分 函館山ロープウェイ山麓駅 - 徒歩18分 車6分 ◉近くのコンビニ、スーパー ・LAWSON 徒歩6分 ・スーパー魚長 徒歩10分 ・ドラックストア 徒歩8分 ◉近くのレストラン ・BAR BAMBOO 徒歩8分 ・大門横町 徒歩10分 【空港から駅までの時間】 函館空港 - タクシー 18分 / リムジンバス 20分 アーリーチェックイン、レイトチェックアウトは基本的にお断りしていますが、 対応可能な場合もありますのでご相談ください! ー 100m² ー4LDK ー バストイレ別 ー 禁煙 【ベッド情報】 ダブルベットとシングルベッドがあります。 【バスルーム設備】 ー シャンプー、リンス、ボディソープ ー フェイスタオル、バスタオル オーナーの個室以外すべて 玄関に置いてあるキーボックスに入ってます CHECK IN : 3:00PM~ CHECK OUT : ~10:00AM 緊急時にはお伺いします 函館駅徒歩圏内のビーチフロント 函館駅からは徒歩15分 車で5分 魚市場駅より徒歩10分 函館山ロープウェイ山麓駅 - 徒歩18分 車6分 駐車場がございます。 指定場所以外には絶対に駐車しないでください。
Grandioso Okinawa Pool Villa ONNA 7D/Max16ppl
100 square meter spacious space, with 4 private bedrooms, even with friends or family groups, you still can have your own private in bedroom. The house can contain maximum to 16ppl. You can have the best time with your friends and family. We look forward to your stay! [For Baby] Baby bed, baby pillow, quilt, mattress, baby dining chair, baby bathtub, baby soap [Kitchen] Cooking utensils, dishes, mugs, glass, dishwasher, microwave ,ovens, rice cooker, coffee maker, refrigerator, electronic kettle, etc. [Amenities] Face/Bath towels/Toothbrushes: Prepared as the number of people from reservation. Shampoo/Conditioners/Bath gel Hair dryer/Washing machine/Washing detergent Iron/Iron board WiFi [Parking] Free for 2 cars. If you want to rent a car, please feel free to contact us!
Vacation Rental Motobu Grande BBQ機材完備の新築ヴィラ!!
Vacation Rental Motobu Grande BBQ機材完備の新築ヴィラ!! Every effort is made to make guests feel comfortable by providing the best in services and amenities. Guests can enjoy free parking right at the private villa. Designed for comfort, all guestrooms offer a range of amenities to ensure a restful night. For your comfort, some rooms at the private villa are equipped with linen service and air conditioning. In-room entertainment amenities are available in some rooms and include television and cable TV. In some select rooms, you can find a coffee or tea maker, instant coffee and instant tea at your disposal. It's good to know that a hair dryer, toiletries and towels are provided in some guest bathrooms. Dining and things to do Private villa's host of recreational offerings ensures you have plenty to do during your stay. End your days in total relaxation with a visit to the hot tub, located right at the private villa. Reasons to stay here Find some of the city's best deals here with rooms 88% cheaper than other options. Find some excellent dining options here, where past guests have rated onsite or nearby dining better than 88% of the city's other accommodations. Guests who stayed here really appreciated the room comfort, scoring it higher than 87% of accommodations in the city.
C澄の宿.琵琶湖徒步0分钟 With a wide range of services catered to both business and leisure travelers, C澄の宿.琵琶湖徒步0分钟 makes sure you get the best out of your stay. Travelers are guaranteed to have a hassle-free stay with all the amenities and services provided by C澄の宿.琵琶湖徒步0分钟 . Parking is provided free of charge for guests. Smoking may only take place in restricted designated areas. Rooms at C澄の宿.琵琶湖徒步0分钟 are designed with the guest in mind. To enhance your stay, some rooms at the home come with linen service and air conditioning. The home's in-room entertainment is second to none, with television and cable TV provided to guests in select rooms. You can stay fresh and clean with a hair dryer, toiletries and towels provided in some of the guest bathrooms. Dining and things to do Whether you're looking for an adventure or are just looking for a way to unwind after a hard day, C澄の宿.琵琶湖徒步0分钟 has a range of activities that will meet your needs. Warm up at the end of the day with a visit to the hot tub. Around the property Venture outside C澄の宿.琵琶湖徒步0分钟 and explore Otsu during your stay. Photograph yourself in front of Biwako Valley located 11.7 km away, which people travel great distances to see.