Beach Villas China
China, a land of ancient wonders and modern marvels, boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. From the iconic Great Wall winding through rugged mountains to the bustling metropolises of Beijing and Shanghai, China offers a diverse array of experiences. Explore vibrant markets, sample flavorful cuisine, and immerse yourself in traditional festivals and ceremonies. With its breathtaking landscapes, intricate architecture, and deep-rooted traditions, China is a captivating destination waiting to be discovered.ChongShangDaoYin
CSDY is located in Chongming District of Shanghai. Chongming Island is located in the mouth of the Yangtze River. It is the largest estuary alluvial island in the world. It is also the third largest island in China after Taiwan Island and Hainan Island. It is known as the “Yangtze River Portal” and “Donghaiyu”. The reputation of the continent, Chongming will become a world-class eco-tourism city. Here, the climate is mild and humid all year round. The negative oxygen ion content in the air is 1000-2000 per cubic centimeter. It is called natural oxygen bar. Therefore, we combine the local folk customs to build the first country house here and want to create on this island. A rural pastoral life suitable for urban people to pursue tranquility
房源位于郑州市新密市刘寨镇,属新密银基国际旅游度假区商圈,周边教育,医疗,休闲,娱乐,商业,景观一应俱全,是一个人杰地灵适合生活的好区域。 坐拥新密核心繁华领域,将都市生活圈,度假休闲生态圈,资源集聚一处,绽放别样美好生活。 -热情的管家24小时贴心服务,智能的家装安防系统,为您保驾护航。 -专业的保洁人员,保证贴身用品一客一换,打造更干净的民宿,精选的生活用品,所有房间选用环保涂料,无异味更安全。 【房源介绍】 -热爱旅行和休闲的我把房间设计的随处都可以看到时尚家居以及休闲体验设计,无不显现出房子的精美所在。 - 卧室均为超大双人床,舒适简洁的床上用品以及超舒适柔软的床垫,卸下一天的疲累躺在上面让您一觉睡到大天亮。 - 干净清新的卫生间内洗漱用具配备齐全,另配有衣柜,拥有充足的储物空间,可以放下您的所有行李!
Kong【秋田浪漫泡池大床房】田园风光左苍山右洱海 带圆形浴缸大落地窗丨近大理古城寂照庵丨早餐下午茶
大理空院子民宿,坐落在苍山洱海之间的田园地带,占地1.6亩,周边田园环绕,视野开阔。苍山、洱海、日出、日落、田园、云卷云舒这些元素在此将一一向您展示她的美好。院落内的白族传统老牌坊,和古旧老楼将带我们穿越时空,在与旧时光的对话里放松心灵,疗愈自我。 院内拥有12间客房,每间客房都与大自然发生美妙的反应,院内设有餐厅、吧台、茶室、会议室等功能,适合安静放空、家庭出游、聚会轰趴,也可以包院举行私密派对,在此您将体验到轻奢而放松的度假氛围。 空院子距离古城6公里,距离感通索道、寂照庵、观音塘等景点3公里。 适意在无事,携手望秋田,超大观景圆形浴缸是这个房间的独特之处,倒一杯美酒,品一壶香茗,透过大落地窗放眼望去,秀丽的苍山与千亩秋田构成了一幅来自大自然的画作,远离市井的喧嚣,转身遇见浪漫清新的一片小天地。 客厅,吧台,茶室,会议室,K歌休闲吧,餐厅,水吧,烧烤区,观景天台,厨房(提前联系) 24小时前台管家服务。您可以随时找到我们。 此房源距离景点观音塘约2公里,距离网红景点寂照庵、感通索道约5公里,距离大理古城约6公里。无论是逛古城,还是赏多肉吃斋饭,亦或是徒步山野,都非常便利哦。 到达我们房源,你可以根据需求选择出行方式: 1.自驾出行,可以导航搜索大理空院子 2.滴滴打车/出租,目的地直接属于大理空院子即可,若是司机不熟悉这边道路,可以告知司机到大理市刘官厂完全小学附近,从大理高铁站到达房源车费30元左右 3.乘公交,公交可以乘坐4路、崇圣寺三塔专线,在大理镇二中站下车,导航大理空院子步行约10分钟即可到达
Kong【远山闲庭雅奢大床房】白族式别墅私享庭院丨天台望洱海转头即苍山 丨感通索道丨寂照庵 3晚接站
大理空院子民宿,坐落在苍山洱海之间的田园地带,占地1.6亩,周边田园环绕,视野开阔。苍山、洱海、日出、日落、田园、云卷云舒这些元素在此将一一向您展示她的美好。院落内的白族传统老牌坊,和古旧老楼将带我们穿越时空,在与旧时光的对话里放松心灵,疗愈自我。 院内拥有12间客房,每间客房都与大自然发生美妙的反应,院内设有餐厅、吧台、茶室、会议室等功能,适合安静放空、家庭出游、聚会轰趴,也可以包院举行私密派对,在此您将体验到轻奢而放松的度假氛围。 空院子距离古城6公里,距离感通索道、寂照庵、观音塘等景点3公里。 山色无远近,看山终日行,透过屋内落地窗,秀丽苍山别致小院就在眼前,四周千亩田野带给你的是大自然的宁静,房内语音智能空调、电视、音箱带给你的是现代的舒适,门开芳杜径,室距桃花源。 客厅,吧台,茶室,会议室,K歌休闲吧,餐厅,水吧,烧烤区,观景天台,厨房(提前联系) 24小时前台管家服务。您可以随时找到我们。 此房源距离景点观音塘约2公里,距离网红景点寂照庵、感通索道约5公里,距离大理古城约6公里。无论是逛古城,还是赏多肉吃斋饭,亦或是徒步山野,都非常便利哦。 到达我们房源,你可以根据需求选择出行方式: 1.自驾出行,可以导航搜索大理空院子 2.滴滴打车/出租,目的地直接输入大理空院子即可,若是司机不熟悉这边道路,可以告知司机到大理市刘官厂完全小学附近,从大理高铁站到达房源车费30元左右 3.乘公交,公交可以乘坐4路、崇圣寺三塔专线,在大理镇二中站下车,导航大理空院子步行约10分钟即可到达
大理空院子民宿,坐落在苍山洱海之间的田园地带,占地1.6亩,周边田园环绕,视野开阔。苍山、洱海、日出、日落、田园、云卷云舒这些元素在此将一一向您展示她的美好。院落内的白族传统老牌坊,和古旧老楼将带我们穿越时空,在与旧时光的对话里放松心灵,疗愈自我。 院内拥有12间客房,每间客房都与大自然发生美妙的反应,院内设有餐厅、吧台、茶室、会议室等功能,适合安静放空、家庭出游、聚会轰趴,也可以包院举行私密派对,在此您将体验到轻奢而放松的度假氛围。 房间配有投影音箱设施,可以尽情观影。窗外是几株风姿卓越的核桃树,充满勃勃的生机。 客厅,吧台,茶室,会议室,K歌休闲吧,餐厅,水吧,烧烤区,观景天台,厨房(提前联系) 24小时前台管家服务,您可以随时找到我们。 空院子距离古城6公里,距离感通索道、寂照庵、观音塘等景点3公里。可以逛古城,领略白族的民族风情,以及进行山野徒步。 到达我们房源,你可以根据需求选择出行方式: 1.自驾出行,可以导航搜索大理空院子 2.滴滴打车/出租,目的地直接输入大理空院子即可,若是司机不熟悉这边道路,可以告知司机到大理市刘官厂完全小学附近,从大理高铁站到达房源车费30元左右 3.乘公交,公交可以乘坐4路、崇圣寺三塔专线,在大理镇二中站下车,导航大理空院子步行约10分钟即可到达
大理空院子民宿,坐落在苍山洱海之间的田园地带,占地1.6亩,周边田园环绕,视野开阔。苍山、洱海、日出、日落、田园、云卷云舒这些元素在此将一一向您展示她的美好。院落内的白族传统老牌坊,和古旧老楼将带我们穿越时空,在与旧时光的对话里放松心灵,疗愈自我。 院内拥有12间客房,每间客房都与大自然发生美妙的反应,院内设有餐厅、吧台、茶室、会议室等功能,适合安静放空、家庭出游、聚会轰趴,也可以包院举行私密派对,在此您将体验到轻奢而放松的度假氛围。 空院子距离古城6公里,距离感通索道、寂照庵、观音塘等景点3公里。 此房型名为疏影,房如其名。湘帘卷处,甚离披翠影,稀稀疏疏,树影婆娑,窗外核桃树下千亩田野,透过屋内全景落地窗远望,可观洱海日出,傍晚为你送上一壶香茗,于屋内便可观如锦晚霞,漫随天外云卷云舒。 客厅,吧台,茶室,会议室,K歌休闲吧,餐厅,水吧,烧烤区,观景天台,厨房(提前联系) 24小时前台管家服务。您可以随时找到我们。 此房源距离景点观音塘约2公里,距离网红景点寂照庵、感通索道约5公里,距离大理古城约6公里。无论是逛古城,还是赏多肉吃斋饭,亦或是徒步山野,都非常便利哦。 到达我们房源,你可以根据需求选择出行方式: 1.自驾出行,可以导航搜索大理空院子 2.滴滴打车/出租,目的地直接输入大理空院子即可,若是司机不熟悉这边道路,可以告知司机到大理市刘官厂完全小学附近,从大理高铁站到达房源车费30元左右 3.乘公交,公交可以乘坐4路、崇圣寺三塔专线,在大理镇二中站下车,导航大理空院子步行约10分钟即可到达
𝙎𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 -𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙯𝙝𝙤𝙪 sept.来自芬兰原木建筑品牌honka 漂洋过海来到杭州,位于径山镇/毗邻径山寺/双溪漂流/花海三千/长乐林场 我们希望通过这个新平台将设计融入生活;让所有来到sept.的朋友们都能感到舒适与温暖;希望有机会和更多的朋友相互学习;这里亦有乡间小路,适合晨跑锻炼,欢迎来加入我们吧 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙪𝙨 sept.是一个原木结构建筑。 创造属于sept.的生活美学.让所有来到sept.的朋友们都能感到舒适与温暖. 大体有270平米的面积:一楼为混泥土结构,二楼为纯实木结构 围墙内的院子、草坪,和建筑内的空间都是可以使用 如果前来入驻的人数较少,或者只想定一两个房间,可以沟通协商 地处径山镇夹坞里,背靠茶山,环境清幽,边上亦有民宿,吃住,交通便利,五分钟车程可至市场购物
QingChuan Garden 海边度假别墅超大ktv娱乐空间
QingChuan Garden 海边度假别墅超大ktv娱乐空间 Get the most adventure during your time in Shenzhen when you book a room at QingChuan Garden 海边度假别墅超大ktv娱乐空间 . At QingChuan Garden 海边度假别墅超大ktv娱乐空间 , guests are bound to have a stress-free stay. Guests can enjoy free parking right at the private villa. All rooms at QingChuan Garden 海边度假别墅超大ktv娱乐空间 are designed for comfort. For your comfort, some rooms at the private villa are equipped with air conditioning. In-room entertainment amenities are available in some rooms and include television and cable TV. It's good to know that a hair dryer, toiletries and towels are provided in some guest bathrooms. Around the property QingChuan Garden 海边度假别墅超大ktv娱乐空间 is the perfect spot to explore Shenzhen's fascinating cultural sights and attractions. Never forget your time in Shenzhen with a special gift or trinket from Luohu Commerical City (Lo Wu Shopping Plaza) just 17.2 km away. Don't forget to stop by Dafen Oil Painting Village located 14.0 km away, where everyone who visits Shenzhen wants to have their photo taken.
亲爱的客人,欢迎来到我们的家! 【位置】我家楼下便是北辰三角洲地铁站,近五一广场太平老街橘子洲头、贺龙体育馆、大悦城、古开福寺、湖南省博物馆,机场和高铁站可坐车半小时即到,也可坐地铁即到 【特色服务】我们将为您提供行李寄存服务,从入住到退房一条龙的管家式服务 【户型功能】我家是温馨3居(3室2厅2卫1厨房),房源有3张双人床可供6人居住,希望您有个舒适的睡眠。房源适合家人和朋友出行 【入住安心】房源配置智能密码锁,出入无需钥匙门卡,全程自助,给您安静的享受 【干净卫生】我们有专业的保洁清扫,让您住得安心
大理空院子,坐落在苍山洱海之间的田园地带,占地1.6亩,周边田园环绕,视野开阔。苍山、洱海、日出、日落、田园、云卷云舒这些元素在此将一一向您展示她的美好。院落内的白族传统老牌坊,和古旧老楼将带我们穿越时空,在与旧时光的对话里放松心灵,疗愈自我。 院内拥有12间客房,每间客房都与大自然发生美妙的反应,院内设有餐厅、吧台、茶室、会议室等功能,适合安静放空、家庭出游、聚会轰趴,也可以包院举行私密派对,在此您将体验到轻奢而放松的度假氛围。 房源面积120平米左右,有上下两层楼两个房间,为传统白族老楼改建而成,外观保留了原汁原味的白族传统老楼的韵味,内部有增设了很多有现代科技感的设施,包括智能语音电视、空调、音箱等,屋顶还装设了电动百叶窗,夜间可以欣赏大理的星空哦。 所有公共区域 21小时管家服务 此房源距离景点观音塘约2公里,距离网红景点寂照庵、感通索道约5公里,距离大理古城约6公里。无论是逛古城,还是赏多肉吃斋饭,亦或是徒步山野,都非常便利哦。 到达我们房源,你可以根据需求选择出行方式: 1.自驾出行,可以导航搜索大理空院子 2.滴滴打车/出租,目的地直接输入大理空院子即可,若是司机不熟悉这边道路,可以告知司机到大理市刘官厂完全小学附近,从大理高铁站到达房源车费30元左右 3.乘公交,公交可以乘坐4路、崇圣寺三塔专线,在大理镇二中站下车,导航大理空院子步行约10分钟即可到达
房源位于郑州市新密市刘寨镇,属新密银基国际旅游度假区商圈,周边教育,医疗,休闲,娱乐,商业,景观一应俱全,是一个人杰地灵适合生活的好区域。 坐拥新密核心繁华领域,将都市生活圈,度假休闲生态圈,资源集聚一处,绽放别样美好生活。 -热情的管家24小时贴心服务,智能的家装安防系统,为您保驾护航。 -专业的保洁人员,保证贴身用品一客一换,打造更干净的民宿,精选的生活用品,所有房间选用环保涂料,无异味更安全。 【房源介绍】 -热爱旅行和休闲的我把房间设计的随处都可以看到时尚家居以及休闲体验设计,无不显现出房子的精美所在。 - 卧室均为超大双人床,舒适简洁的床上用品以及超舒适柔软的床垫,卸下一天的疲累躺在上面让您一觉睡到大天亮。 - 干净清新的卫生间内洗漱用具配备齐全,另配有衣柜,拥有充足的储物空间,可以放下您的所有行李!
房源位于郑州市新密市刘寨镇,属新密银基国际旅游度假区商圈,周边教育,医疗,休闲,娱乐,商业,景观一应俱全,是一个人杰地灵适合生活的好区域。 坐拥新密核心繁华领域,将都市生活圈,度假休闲生态圈,资源集聚一处,绽放别样美好生活。 -热情的管家24小时贴心服务,智能的家装安防系统,为您保驾护航。 -专业的保洁人员,保证贴身用品一客一换,打造更干净的民宿,精选的生活用品,所有房间选用环保涂料,无异味更安全。 【房源介绍】 -热爱旅行和休闲的我把房间设计的随处都可以看到时尚家居以及休闲体验设计,无不显现出房子的精美所在。 - 卧室均为超大双人床,舒适简洁的床上用品以及超舒适柔软的床垫,卸下一天的疲累躺在上面让您一觉睡到大天亮。 - 干净清新的卫生间内洗漱用具配备齐全,另配有衣柜,拥有充足的储物空间,可以放下您的所有行李!
此房之前是一处艺术家工作室 客厅全落地景观玻璃窗 窗外尽览长江滚滚东流 晚间往沙发上一躺就能享受到重庆最好的灯火夜景,堪称夜景中的夜景,比重庆著名的一棵树夜景观景台更能接近那灯火辉煌 不远处的过江索道与江面游船穿梭眼前 朝天门码头就在对岸 窗如画框能让人静观数个景点 楼下是一个大型商圈 有上千种美食任你挑选 过街就是重庆最文艺的一处南岸小坐咖啡店 房间除了床上用品与洗漱用品是酒店配置 其氛围就是一个艺术之家 九十平米的空间 可容纳一家三人居住 有健身器材 冰箱 洗衣机 电磁炉 床垫是从泰国购进价值几万元乳胶床垫 我们会定期更换各种书籍 还有一个贴心服务就是我们以重庆人自己的美食线路推荐一些当地的特色门店给大家,让你在重庆吃好玩好。 一室两厅一厨一卫 90平米精装公寓 居住期间房客本人可任意使用整套房子,但不允许商业拍摄,不允许举办派对。 有问题请添加房东联系,谢谢 楼下1891时光道商城,小吃、火锅、川粤菜、日料、茶楼、咖啡馆、酒吧,ume电影院一应俱全,商场b2停车库停车方便,可直达公寓,步行至龙门浩老街10分钟,索道站15分钟。 如果您是自驾,房源有需缴费车库可以直达房间。房源到江北机场驾车距离约21公里左右,到重庆火车站驾车距离8.9公里,约14分钟,到海棠溪地铁口-1口驾车2公里,约8分钟,距离龙门浩老街,上新街长江索道1.7公里左右,步行20分钟左右
shenzhen潜蓝民宿 整栋包场 家庭套房 大院子 可烧烤 做饭 麻将KTV 公司团建
潜蓝民宿是一家以潜水和各种水上运动为主题的客栈,店内除了基础的客房和餐饮服务,还有提供潜水体验和教学培训。客栈前方60米就是沙滩入口。整栋楼有8个房间,其中6个是双床房的套房,每层楼三房一厅的格局,特别适合家庭聚会,公司团建,既有私密性又有充足的活动公共空间。民宿室内和室外的公共空间总计超过1000平方,院子有600平,民宿设有专属停车位,免去找停车位的烦恼。如果你也一样热爱海洋,期待您的到来。 整栋楼共三层,6个双床房,2个大床房,最多可住22人。 有3个院子,最大的一个600平方,还可以停12辆车 下单前最好联系我,确认细节,尤其是入住时间 自驾来官湖村 不用预约!不用预约!不用预约! 公交也可以来官湖,有两班大巴,E11和H92。 E11的起点站在深圳北,H92的起点站在福田公交枢纽。 过来的具体路线,可以电话联系我 可以带宠物,但必须提前告知我们
Enjoy a Refreshing Swim in the Outdoor Pool At nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 , guests can take advantage of the fantastic outdoor pool, perfect for a refreshing swim or a relaxing sunbathing session. Nestled amidst the lush greenery of the hotel's surroundings, the pool offers a serene and tranquil atmosphere, allowing guests to unwind and rejuvenate. Whether you want to cool off after a day of exploring the nearby attractions or simply soak up the sun, the outdoor pool is the ideal spot to do so. The pool area is well-maintained and features comfortable loungers and umbrellas, providing a comfortable space to relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. The pool itself is spacious and inviting, with crystal-clear waters that beckon guests to take a dip. Whether you are a seasoned swimmer or just looking to have some fun in the water, the outdoor pool at nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 is sure to meet your needs. So, don't forget to pack your swimsuit and make the most of this fantastic facility during your stay. Convenience Facilities at nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 Indulge in a comfortable and convenient stay at nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 . This charming accommodation offers a range of convenience facilities to ensure a hassle-free experience for all guests. For those who enjoy a smoke, there is a designated smoking area available on-site. This allows smokers to enjoy their cigarettes in a designated space without inconveniencing non-smoking guests. Whether you prefer a morning cigarette or an evening puff, this facility caters to your needs. In addition to the designated smoking area, nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 also provides other convenience facilities to enhance your stay. These include a 24-hour front desk, where friendly and knowledgeable staff are available around the clock to assist you with any queries or requests. Furthermore, the property offers free Wi-Fi in all rooms and public areas, ensuring that you can stay connected and browse the internet effortlessly throughout your stay. With its range of convenience facilities, nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 is the perfect choice for travelers seeking a comfortable and hassle-free stay in Dandong, China. Convenient Transport Facilities at nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 At nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 , guests can enjoy convenient transport facilities that make exploring Dandong a breeze. The hotel offers a spacious car park, providing guests with a hassle-free parking solution. What's even better is that the car park is free of charge, allowing guests to save on parking fees and allocate their budget to other exciting activities during their stay. Whether you are traveling by car or renting one to explore the city, nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 's car park ensures that you have a secure and convenient place to park your vehicle. This feature is especially beneficial for those who prefer the flexibility and independence of driving around Dandong. You can rest assured that your car will be safe and easily accessible whenever you need it, allowing you to make the most of your time in this beautiful city. With the hotel's car park and its complimentary nature, guests can have peace of mind knowing that their transportation needs are well taken care of. Whether you are planning to explore the nearby attractions or simply need a convenient place to park your car, nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 's transport facilities ensure a seamless and enjoyable stay for all guests. Discover the Tranquil Beauty of Donggang in Dandong, China Nestled along the banks of the Yalu River, Donggang in Dandong, China, is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. This picturesque town offers a tranquil escape from the bustling city life and is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. One of the main attractions in Donggang is the nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区, a charming and serene area that showcases the best of the region's landscapes. Visitors can explore the lush greenery, meandering rivers, and towering mountains that surround this scenic spot. The area is also home to several hiking trails, providing ample opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to immerse themselves in nature. For those seeking a unique accommodation experience, the临江独栋民宿 offers a perfect retreat. This standalone guesthouse provides guests with a private and exclusive space to relax and unwind. With its traditional architecture and modern amenities, this charming abode offers a glimpse into the local culture while ensuring utmost comfort and convenience. In addition to its natural beauty, Donggang is also known for its delicious cuisine. Visitors can indulge in a variety of local dishes, including fresh seafood caught from the nearby Yalu River. The town's vibrant night market is a must-visit, offering an array of street food stalls and local crafts. Whether you are looking for a peaceful getaway or an adventure in nature, Donggang in Dandong, China, has something for everyone. Come and experience the tranquility and charm of this hidden gem for yourself. Convenient Transportation from Dandong Airport to nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 Located in the picturesque city of Dandong, China, nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 is a charming riverside retreat that offers a unique and immersive experience. For travelers arriving by air, the closest airport is Dandong Langtou Airport, which is approximately 30 kilometers away from the property. To reach nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 from Dandong Langtou Airport, there are several transportation options available. One convenient option is to take a taxi directly from the airport to the property. Taxis are readily available at the airport and the journey takes approximately 40 minutes, depending on traffic conditions. Another option is to take a shuttle bus from Dandong Langtou Airport to Dandong Railway Station, and then take a taxi or a local bus to nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 . The shuttle bus service operates regularly and offers a cost-effective way to reach the city center. From Dandong Railway Station, it is a short 20-minute drive to the property. Travelers who prefer public transportation can also take a local bus from Dandong Langtou Airport to the city center, and then transfer to another bus or taxi to reach nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 . The local bus system in Dandong is well-connected and provides an affordable option for getting around the city. With its convenient location and various transportation options, reaching nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 from Dandong Langtou Airport is a hassle-free experience. Whether you choose to take a taxi, shuttle bus, or local bus, you'll soon find yourself immersed in the natural beauty and tranquility of this riverside retreat. Explore the Tranquil Beauty of Dandong Langtou Airport Nestled in the picturesque city of Dandong, China, nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Situated in close proximity to the breathtaking Dandong Langtou Airport, guests can enjoy convenient access to this landmark during their stay. Dandong Langtou Airport is a gateway to the stunning natural beauty and cultural heritage of the region. As you step out of the hotel, you will find yourself surrounded by lush greenery and panoramic views of the airport. Take a leisurely stroll along the airport's perimeter and immerse yourself in the tranquil atmosphere. The airport's well-maintained grounds provide the perfect setting for a relaxing walk or a peaceful picnic with loved ones. For aviation enthusiasts, Dandong Langtou Airport offers a unique opportunity to witness the takeoff and landing of various aircraft. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or simply fascinated by the world of aviation, this landmark will captivate your senses. Marvel at the engineering marvels soaring through the sky or capture stunning photographs of planes against the backdrop of the airport's picturesque surroundings. With its close proximity to Dandong Langtou Airport, nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 provides an ideal base for exploring the natural beauty and cultural attractions of the region. Whether you are seeking a peaceful retreat or an adventure-filled vacation, this hotel's location offers something for everyone. Discover the tranquility and charm of Dandong Langtou Airport during your stay at nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 . Affordable Luxury at nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 Escape to the tranquil beauty of Dandong and indulge in a luxurious stay at nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 . With an average price of $89 per room, this stunning accommodation offers an unbeatable combination of comfort, convenience, and value for money. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Dandong, which is $43, nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 provides an exceptional deal. Despite its affordable rates, this property doesn't compromise on quality. Each room is thoughtfully designed and meticulously furnished to create a soothing ambiance that guarantees a restful night's sleep. From the moment you step into your room, you'll be greeted by modern amenities, plush bedding, and breathtaking views of the surrounding scenery. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, nanxijian橹窗阁核心景区、临江独栋民宿、独享空间 offers a remarkable experience without breaking the bank. Book your stay today and discover the perfect blend of luxury and affordability in the heart of Dandong.
Treasure-level ecological island, village.